praying mantis


praying mantis 的定义

n. 名词 noun

praying mantis 近义词

praying mantis

等同于 insect

更多praying mantis例句

  1. A praying mantis landed on her neck during their shared birthday and stayed with her for seven hours throughout the day.
  2. That is a lot to pray for, but Pope Francis is praying for all of us.
  3. She ended up praying with me and giving me her blessing to portray her Dad.
  4. “It sounded like they were praying the Hail Mary,” Gozik recalled.
  5. After praying for forgiveness, Fotros was redeemed by the Imam Ali who gave him back his wings.
  6. For the next several hours, each person spends time breaking up the leaves, putting them in the bucket, and praying for Grace.
  7. The boy, like many an older and wiser than Donny, only cried instead of praying.
  8. He went back to his praying mat and bent again toward the west, where the Holy Kaaba enshrines the ruby sent down from heaven.
  9. And as she felt them she seemed to see again Hamza, with his beautiful and severe face, praying upon the yellow ground.
  10. She was still preoccupied, still she seemed to see Hamza running beside her towards the mountains, praying among the rocks.
  11. Wherefore those men carefully watching him, found Daniel praying and making supplication to his God.